13 de February de 2025


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Brazilian researchers create lightweight battery with low environmental impact – PNME

4 min read
Researchers from Ipen and USP have developed a new battery technology that is lighter, more flexible, and sustainable compared to traditional lithium batteries. Discover how this innovation could revolutionize the energy market.

New battery technology revolutionizes energy market

Researchers from the Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research (Ipen) and the postgraduate program in Nuclear Technology at USP, in São Paulo, have developed a new technology for batteries that promises to revolutionize the energy market, detailed in Journal of Energy Storage. This new type of lead battery, using nanotechnology combined with hydrogen cells, is significantly lighter, more flexible and sustainable compared to traditional lithium batteries.

The new battery is 20 times lighter than conventional lead batteries and uses a membrane of lead nanosheets instead of solid bars and water. This structure not only makes batteries lighter, but also allows them to operate in extreme temperatures, ranging from -20ºC to 120ºC, without risk of explosion or freezing. The use of lead, a safer, easier to recycle and abundant material, offers an ecological alternative to lithium batteries, which depend on cobalt, whose mining causes a great environmental impact.

The device developed by Brazilian researchers is composed of lead nanoparticles, which increase the electrode’s contact area. This innovation allows for greater energy storage capacity in a smaller space. Replacing water with a compact plastic membrane eliminates the risks associated with freezing and explosion, making these batteries safer for a wide range of applications.

Sustainability and Security

In addition to being lighter, the new battery is also more sustainable. Lead, despite having been largely abandoned in recent years, is a material that can be easily recycled. Lead recycling industries exist, while lithium recycling is still rare and complicated. Lithium batteries, when disposed of improperly, can cause fires, a risk that does not exist with lead batteries. The new Brazilian battery uses less lead per unit, making it even more sustainable.

“Once you reduce the weight of these batteries, they can be applied to other devices that were not previously thought of”, explains Almir de Oliveira Neto, researcher at Ipen and advisor in the Nuclear Technology program at USP. This includes cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices that require a lightweight, efficient power source.

The flexibility and lightness of the new battery allow it to be applied in a variety of devices, from small electronics to large electric vehicles and satellites. The battery can operate effectively both at sea level and at high altitudes, offering a reliable and safe power solution for various industries.

Tecnologic innovation

The new battery consists of lead nanoparticle cells arranged on a layer of carbon. The electrical current circulates through the carbon on the outside, which in tests proved to be stable for 500 charge and discharge cycles. Lead nanoparticles, 35 nanometers long and 5 nanometers thick, offer a much larger contact area than solid lead bars, increasing energy storage capacity.

The compact plastic membrane called a PEM (proton-exchange membrane) fuel cell is a crucial part of this innovation. It allows positive particles (hydrogen protons) to move between the battery poles, facilitating the generation of energy without the need for water. This structure eliminates problems associated with water freezing at high altitudes and improves battery safety in extreme temperatures.

According to Rodrigo Fernando Brambilla de Souza, the researcher leading the work, the new technology represents a leap in quality in the development of lead batteries. In the last ten years, the only advances with lead batteries have been additives to reduce scale build-up on conventional electrodes. The new Brazilian battery, however, offers an innovative and efficient solution for energy storage.

Versatility and Applications

The new battery technology developed in Brazil has the potential to be applied to a wide variety of devices. In addition to cell phones and computers, the battery can be used in electric vehicles, satellites and other equipment that operate in extreme conditions. Its ability to operate at temperatures ranging from -20ºC to 120ºC makes it a viable option for various industries and applications.

Research published in the Journal of Energy Storage highlights Brazil’s potential to lead the development of green and sustainable technologies. Brazilian innovation places the country at the forefront of research and development in clean energy, offering a viable and ecological alternative to the lithium batteries currently dominant on the market.

In summary, the new battery developed by researchers from Ipen and USP represents a major advance in the search for lighter, more flexible and sustainable energy solutions. With the potential to revolutionize the battery market and promote sustainability, this innovation promises to be a safe and efficient solution for energy storage in a wide range of applications. This article was prepared based on content from Jornal da USP, available here.

https://pnme.org.br/pesquisadores-brasileiros-criam-bateria-leve-e-de-bottom-impacto-ambiental/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pesquisadores-brasileiros-criam-bateria-leve-e-de -low-environmental-impact
Author: jullian_pnme

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