12 de February de 2025


AcbrNews mobility, traffic safety e motorsports

United Nations Agenda 2030: Meeting between SENATRAN and ACBr-FIA to Enhance Road Safety in Brazil

2 min read

On December 14th, Secretary Adrualdo Catão from the National Traffic Department (SENATRAN), linked to the Ministry of Transport in Brazil, welcomed representatives of the Brazilian Automobile Club (ACBr), a member of the International Automobile Federation (FIA), represented by Humberto Kennedy, Vice-President, and Kleber Deniz Pinto, Director of Technology and Education. The primary focus of the meeting was discussions on improving traffic conditions and reducing accidents in the Brazilian scenario.

The talks were characterized by the depth of the discussions, highlighting the importance of FIA’s support for national programs, especially the PNATRANS (National Plan to Reduce Deaths and Injuries in Traffic) and the Good Driver Partners. The exchange of ideas between the parties underscored the relevance of these initiatives for promoting road safety within the national territory.

Highlighting SENATRAN’s commitment, the FIA’s Fourth Region sent a letter expressing recognition for the diligence and effort dedicated by the Brazilian institution to vital issues related to traffic safety, mobility, and accident reduction. The FIA, comprising over 520,000 members in Latin America and the Caribbean, views SENATRAN as an exemplary model for member countries of the international organization.

ACBr, maintaining a significant partnership with the National Institute of Traffic and Safety Projects (INPROTRAN), reinforced its commitment to fully support the actions planned for 2024, working closely with the Brazilian institution. This partnership aims not only to strengthen road safety but also to promote the training of professionals in the field, contributing to the creation of safer and more efficient traffic.

The FIA, through ACBr, reaffirms its strict alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030, the goals of the UN’s Second Decade of Action for Road Safety, and the guidelines of the Brazilian PNATRANS. The international organization sees Brazil’s effort as an example to be followed, where coordinated actions reflect a genuine commitment to road safety and building a safer future on the roads. The strategic partnership between the FIA, ACBr, and Brazilian institutions promises to be a catalyst for significant advances in road safety. By celebrating this union, we envision a future where Brazilian roads are recognized not only for their extent but for the safety and efficiency they offer to all users.

Font: https://automovelclubebrasileiro.com.br/noticias/agenda-2030-das-nacoes-unidas-reuniao-entre-senatran-e-acbr-fia-para-aprimorar-a-seguranca-viaria-no-brasil/

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