20 de October de 2024


AcbrNews mobility, traffic safety e motorsports

Everything You Need to Know About the International Driving Permit (IDP)

Transform Your Travel Experience with PID

Did you know that an International Driving Permit (IDP) can transform your travel experience? In the next few seconds, I’m going to tell you everything about PID.


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What is PID?

The PID is an essential document that allows you to drive legally in other countries. Recognized in more than 130 countries, it translates your license into several languages, facilitating communication with local traffic authorities. This document is especially useful to avoid problems with foreign authorities and insurers, protecting you and avoiding unnecessary stress.

Benefits of PID

In addition to providing legality when driving abroad, PID also simplifies vehicle rental, making the process faster and hassle-free. Imagine exploring new places and cultures with the freedom of a car. Driving abroad enriches your trip by offering flexibility and access to destinations that are often inaccessible by public transport.

PID translates National Driving License (CNH) information into nine languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Russian, French and German. This makes it easier to identify the driver and can be essential in cases of accidents or infractions.

Contrary to what some believe, the PID is required from the first day of driving in a foreign country that is a signatory to the convention, not just after 180 days of stay. Furthermore, PID helps with vehicle rental, making the process faster and hassle-free. Imagine exploring new places and cultures with the freedom of a car, enriching your trip and offering flexibility and access to destinations inaccessible by public transport.

How to Request PID in Brazil

Requesting the PID is a simple and straightforward process, carried out online. See how it works:

The PID is valid for one year or until the expiration of your driver’s license, whichever comes first. This document is essential from the first day you start driving in a foreign country that is a signatory to the Vienna Convention, demystifying the idea that it is only necessary after 180 days.

Validity and Use

The PID is valid for one year or until the driver’s license expires, whichever comes first. Its validity extends to more than 130 countries, making life easier for those who need to rent cars or resolve legal issues involving vehicles.

Tips for Traveling with PID

Before your next trip, consider getting your PID removed. It is essential not only to avoid legal problems, but also to make the most of your travel experience. In Brazil, one of the safest places to acquire your PID is the Automóvel Clube Brasileiro, which has the necessary international integration to participate in all possible changes to the document first hand.

Driving abroad can transform your travel experience, giving you the freedom to explore new places safely and legally. Do not miss this opportunity. Secure your PID and make the most of your international trips.

Caso você esteja em outro país, o melhor a se fazer é verificar se o Automóvel Clube do seu país, realiza a emissão da PID. Para encontrar o Clube, basta pesquisar o seu país, no mapa oficial da FIA- Federação Internacional do Automóvel


The International Driving Permit is a crucial document for drivers intending to drive abroad, ensuring they are compliant with local laws and protected in unforeseen situations. With PID, you can explore new destinations with freedom and peace of mind. For more information and to request your PID, visit the ACBr website.

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