20 de October de 2024


AcbrNews mobility, traffic safety e motorsports

Emission of carbon dioxide in capitals exceeds the 2030 Agenda target

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Carbon dioxide emissions in Brazilian capitals are above the objective set by the 2030 Agenda. The target established by the United Nations (UN) fixed at 0.83 tons of emissions per inhabitants among all countries within the agreement. The cities of Manaus, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte lead the national ranking.

Also read: Porto Alegre launches Climate Action Plan with actions to reduce carbon emissions

According to data from the Sustainable Cities Institute (ICS), at least five of the ten most populous capitals in the country need to reduce emissions by half. According to the study released by Agência Brasil, Manaus is in first place with 3.06 tons per inhabitant, followed by Rio de Janeiro (2.03) and Belo Horizonte (1.82).

Carbon dioxide emission ranking

Manaus (AM) – 3,06 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) – 2,03Belo Horizonte (MG) – 1,82Porto Alegre (RS) – 1,73Curitiba (PR) – 1,73Fortaleza (CE) – 1,64Goiânia (GO ) – 1.61Recife (PE) – 1.56São Paulo (SP) – 1.22Salvador (BA) – 1.19

The UN Agenda 2030 is a global plan with 17 sustainable development objectives. Uma das metas é a redução das emissões de gases poluentes até 2030. A Agenda foi definida em 2015, com a participação de 193 Estados-Membros, como o Brasil.

The ICS survey was carried out based on the Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimation System (SEEG). The portal is managed by the Climate Observatory, a network of environmental entities of Brazilian civil society. Currently, the most recent carbon dioxide issuance data uses information collected during the year 2022.

Among the states, considering all emissions of polluting gases, Mato Grosso leads the ranking, with more than 401 tons of gases emitted in 2022. The data is present in the SEEG portal. In second and third place are the States of Pará and Minas Gerais. Respectively, the regions have more or less 360 and 169 tons of gases emitted.

The post Emission of carbon dioxide in capitals exceeds the 2030 Agenda target appeared first on Estadão Mobility.

Author: Eric

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